Hello Hank’s Harvest Foods followers!  This week’s topic is a super hot item.   Gluten free groceries!  It seems to be a sensitive topic the last few years and we are here to tell you – we’ve got your back on this one!  After doing some research, it’s pretty clear there are a lot of gluten free items and no one should ever starve to death from lack of choices.  The list below is a partial list from each of our departments.  Hope this helps!

Produce – Almost everything in the produce department is up for grabs.  We have a variety of fresh produce from local producers and some not so near.  We have organic veggies and fruits for an even healthier choice.  We even have fresh herbs to choose from.

Dairy – So many choices!  We have milk that is pasteurized and milk fresh from our local raw milk farm.  We also carry a great selection of almond and soy milks along with coconut milks.  Our yogurt comes in any flavors and brands; again, we even have fresh goat yogurt from up the street (well it’s really a country road but we’ll stick with the clichés).  There is cheese – some exotic, cottage cheese and sour cream.

Meat – Meat and fish found in their natural state are gluten free!    The ones to avoid would be ones with seasonings and liquid injected.  We try to avoid those too.   Some examples are beef, pork, chicken, turkey and wait for it…………………  buffalo meats.   We carry wild Alaskan salmon, tilapia, cod, and more.  There are some deli meat brands as well like Jennie-O and Hormel Natural Choice.

Grocery – Loads of canned goods are great as long as they do not have fillers.  You can choose canned fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, or beans.  There are now a lot of grains that available and our selection of Bob’s Red Mill flours and cake mixes and everything else under the sun is awesome!    There is polenta, rick quinoa, risotto and more.  We carry Glutino and Udi’s products in the frozen section.  Let me tell you, the Udi’s Dark Chocolate muffins are well, let’s just say they are a favorite.  It helps that chocolate is gluten free!  We have loads of snacks too – popcorn bean chips, dried fruit, vegetable chips, almonds, cashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

So come on in to Hank’s and don’t be afraid to ask any of us black t-shirted peeps for help.  We like it when you do!